凉山行 / Liangshan Trip

我们了解到在凉山仍有一些需要帮助的孩子,尤其是高中生,并锁定了几位候选的学生,在国庆前夕和爱心人士Mr. Uwe Triebel和Ms. Sandra Jie在联系人的陪同下到现场去评估和了解。凉山收到了政府的重点扶持,农业是他们的主要产业,仍有一部人住在山上,这部分人接受教育或者医疗的情况比较差,同时凉山个别地方还存在艾滋病及毒品的威胁。 去到学校的时候,我们没有顺利见到那几个学生,反而被告知,无论是机构或者个人的慈善行为需要通报当地教育局,并且款项需经学校账户再转给学生。这种方式并不是我们的资助方式。

We learned that there are still some children in need in Liangshan, especially high school students, and targeted several students as candidate recipients. Mr. Uwe Triebel, Ms. Sandra Jie and Lena visited and assessed in Liangshan before Chinese National Day. Liangshan received the government's key support. Agriculture is their main industry. There are still some people living in the mountains. This part of people are in poor condition for education or medical treatment. At the same time, there are threats of AIDS and drugs in some places in Liangshan.

When we went to school, we did not make to meet the students. Instead, we were told that the charity of any organization or individual needs to be reported to the local education bureau, and the money must be transferred to the student through the school account. This kind of funding doesn’t meet our original requirement.
